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It’s no secret that over the past year OKHA has taken its signature furniture designs from its hometown Cape Town to showrooms in London, Los Angeles, Chicago, Miami and New York, but newest additions now also include Dubai and Switzerland.

I would like to share why OKHA’s statement pieces are catching the eye of the global design community through a look at bespoke works created for the award-winning luxury safari lodge
The biggest safari story in Southern Africa, andwhy OKHA was the chosen décor supplier,It’s no secret that over the past year,OK,A has taken its signature furniture designs from Cape Town,to London, Los Angeles, Chicago,Miami and New York, and now there are also plans to include,representation in Asia and the Middle East. When competing with far more established premium furniture brands, why is the architecture and design industry choosing OKHA?A look at some recent work might provide the answer.
奧卡為新的豪華狩獵旅館“獵豹平原”(Cheetah Plains)設(shè)計了一件宣言服裝,該旅館位于薩比沙動物保護(hù)區(qū)(Sabi Sand Game Reserve)。他們與ARRCC(建筑師和室內(nèi)設(shè)計師)和SAOTA的建筑師Stefan Antoni密切合作。Stefan透露:無論建筑有多好,只有當(dāng)內(nèi)部保持了那種復(fù)雜的水平,它才能成功。他認(rèn)為奧卡有能力設(shè)計出既能體現(xiàn)建筑之美又能體現(xiàn)建筑之美的家具。
”O(jiān)KHA created statement pieces for new luxury safari lodge, Cheetah Plains, which is set in the Sabi Sand Game Reserve. They worked in close collaboration with ARRCC (the architects and interior designers) and architect, Stefan Antoni of SAOTA. Stefan reveals that “No matter how goo d architecture is, it can onlysucceed when the interior upholds that level of sophistication.” He feels that OKHA is able to “design furniture that upholds an d mirrors the beauty of architecture”.
ARRCC的主管Jon Case是這個項目的主設(shè)計師,他說他選擇與OKHA合作是因為他們在更深層次的敘述上有著獨特的能力。他們扎根于非洲,但著眼于獨特的國際審美,而且他們與藝術(shù)家和工匠有聯(lián)系,這有助于給家具一種手工制作的感覺。喬恩最喜歡的項目是拉古納咖啡桌和其他定制咖啡桌,他說這些增加了房間的重量和堅固性,因為它們與建筑主題緊密相連。OKHA創(chuàng)意總監(jiān)亞當(dāng)?考特(Adam Court)表示,他花了10個月的時間來完成這個項目,“我們想設(shè)計出感覺像內(nèi)部景觀的作品,使用具有內(nèi)在價值和美感的材料,這些材料會隨著時間的推移而進(jìn)化和改進(jìn),就像外部景觀的有機(jī)發(fā)展一樣。
The project consists of three independent bush houses, named Mapogo , Mvula and Karula , each made up of several individual structures which include a central lounge, and dining room with bar area, a family media and entertainment room, a covered terrace, an open boma courtyard and separate freestanding bedroom suites. ARRCC Director Jon Case who was the lead designer for the project says that he chose to work with OKHA because of their “distinct ability to connect to a deeper narrative. They are rooted in Africa but always have their eye on an international aesthetic that is unique, and they are connected to artists and craftsmen which help to give the furniture a handcrafted feel which was so important to the overall language of Cheetah Plains.” Jon’s favourite pieces from the project are the Laguna coffee table and other bespoke coffee tables which he says, “added weight and solidity to the rooms because they are connected so well to the architectural theme.” Working on the project over the course of 10 months, OKHA creative director Adam Court says; “We wanted to design pieces that felt like an internal landscape, using materials that have inherent value and beauty which evolve and improve over time in the same way that this process happens organically in the external landscape .
Overlooking the pool and water hole beyond, this central living area is characterised by the one of a kind dining table and Tofu dining chairs which have been customised to complement tables brass and timber hues
拉古納咖啡桌得名于一片水域或瀉湖,這里展示的是大型實木雕刻咖啡桌群,Iroko wood和David Reade玻璃器皿的圖騰組合,都是OKHA。
Laguna coffee table in oxidised and patinated aluminium Laguna takes its name from a body of water or lagoon and is shown here with large sculptural solid wood coffee table clusters, totem assemblages in Iroko wood and David Reade Glassware, all OKHA.
The spaces all have large glass panels that slide away opening the space to the landscape. The effect is electrifying, a fron t s eat to the life, drama and beauty of the bush beyond. OKHA's careful and considered use of materials, in their bespoke designs for Cheetah Plains, heightens and reinforces the visitors’ experience without resorting to clichés.
Custom timber server, candlesticks and circular copper framed mirror all OKHA
實木鍍黃銅咖啡桌和David Reade玻璃器皿都來自O(shè)KHA。
Solid timber brass plated coffee tables and David Reade Glassware, OKHA
“獵豹平原”于2018年推出,已經(jīng)在南非的霍斯科贏得了2019年最佳狩獵小屋獎,第13屆世界豪華酒店年度大獎、世界最佳豪華叢林別墅,入圍IFI Gap大獎,并入圍2019年Dezeen大獎。
Cheetah Plains was launched in 2018 and has already won Best Game Lodge 2019 at HOSCO, South Africa’s
Luxury Tourism Awards, Best Luxury Bush Villa in the world at the 13 th Annual World Luxury Hotel Awards, been a finalist at IFI Gap Awards and been longlisted for the Dezeen Awards 2019.


【布道作品】世野 ISEYA 太古里店
【布道作品】世野 ISEYA 太古里店





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